Transformation 2020
When I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. My fifth-grade teacher was a passionate reader. She used to have us lay our heads down on our desk after lunch and she would read from the “Little House on the Prairie” book series.
I did not become a teacher by profession. In high school, I took shorthand and VOE classes and decided that I would pursue a career in business. The last thirty years I have worked in the business field in the manufacturing industry. Several years ago, I starting pursuing how I wanted to spend the rest of my career giving back and living with more intention.
When 2020 rolled around I knew I had to change something. I can keep busy, but I want my busy to mean something by making a difference! The older I get, the more I think about “LIFE” and “PURPOSE”. I want to share my struggles and successes. I would love to have you come along with me as I share my journey.
One thing I have learned is not to look back but to look forward.
I put myself through college twice; once for my Associates degree while being a single mom and working full time. The second time I obtained a Bachelor’s degree while balancing my marriage, bonus children, as well as two children that I birthed. I have worked a 8 to 5 job for over thirty years. What I realized this last year is that I have been going through the motions of life and there is more to this life than waking up, going to work, and coming home to maintain a household. Entering the corporate world straight from high school; I never learned to dream and I really never thought about what I wanted in life. My turning point was in 2020. My WOY (word of the year) was TRANSFORMATION. Welcome to my JOURNEY.
Til then,
Kelle Cathey